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Do not take anything except pictures

Do not leave anything except footprints

Do not kill anything except time

Dear Socotra Eco- friendly traveler to Socotra,

Travelers to Socotra must understand that Socotra is an eco-tourism system destination, and is relatively new to the international tourist market. Hence the Socotra hotel accommodation standards, though good, may not be up to the same international accommodation standards that you would expect. This, though, only adds to the mysticism of the Island of Socotra.

Respecting and conserving the nature and environment of each place you visit within Socotra Island is essential. Nature has granted Socotra many beautiful elements which need to be preserved so that the next visitors can enjoy Socotra’s exquisite beauty.

There is also a fascinating culture in Socotra that should be respected, “remember how you would be treated in your own home country”.

Socotra is committed to conserving its Island. So we invite you to share with us this cooperation in this regard.

Wherever you go, only take memories and leave footprints.

We have put together a few guidelines and environmental tips for keeping on good terms with locals and nature!

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Before you travel

Socotra Health requirements

Socotra is not a malaria region; some mosquitoes are in some places, so malaria prophylactic is recommended. Cholera is not present on the Island at all. Drink only bottled mineral water. It is readily available in Hadibo and Qalansiya. Consult your doctor, dentist, or travel health clinic for advice and preventive measures. The hospitals on the Island offer less than adequate service. Pharmacies are presented around Hadibo.


No vaccination is required to travel to Yemen and the Socotra Islands. However, it is recommended to receive COVID-19,Yellow Fever, Hepatitis A, Malaria and Typhoid vaccines. Please consult a health specialist for further recommendations.


Travel Insurance, while not being mandatory, is highly recommended to have, as it will protect you against unforeseen problems with your flight connections and the possibility of missing your flight/tour. Please refer to our Terms and Policies section to review our refund policies.

International Flights

The Socotra Islands do not receive international flights. The airports from the mainland cities of Aden (Yemen) or Abu Dhabi (UAE) receive all international flights in Yemen. However,

It is recommended to stay in either of these cities at least for night prior and after you’re your connection flights. You could even take part of one of our amazing add-on tours and trip extensions in continental Yemen mainland.

Passports & Visas

Travelers to Socotra Islands or mainland of Yemen are obliged to apply for a visa at least 60 days prior the departure date. You can’t have an Israeli stamp on your passport. Should you have visited Israel with your passport, and there be evidence of it, your visa will be denied.

Traveling with kids

There is no age restriction for visiting the Socotra Islands. However, some tours, specially trekking, do not accept children under the age of 6 years old. Other trips may be more accommodating to younger guests, some even offering special activities and services for them.

Please consult with us before if you have any tour in mind for your Socotra travel and are planning to go with small children. Hotels in Socotra don’t have age restrictions.

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Traveling to the Islands

Local flights

All travelers must come from the mainland cities of Aden or Abu Dhabi in local flights that take from 2 to 2.5 hours. Most tours operators rely on particular flights that match the time of their itineraries for a seamless service.

Please consult us by contacting us if you are planning to buy your Socotra flights by your own. To learn more about flights to and from Socotra click here.

National Park entrance fee

Once at the airports of Socotra, international travelers are required to pay a National Park entrance fee  (Usually included in tour price). This one-time-only amount helps the Yemen government on the conservancy and protection of this pristine environment.

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On the Islands

Tour regulations

All tours on the Socotra Islands must endure a rigorous process of approval on many technical and logistical aspects to be allowed to operate in the Socotra Islands.

The sites visited, time of the day and activities allowed, and even the maximum number of passengers, is regulated in order to make the least impact on this fragile ecosystem.

Socotra National Park rules

All travelers must obey the following regulations while on the Socotra Islands. Failure to comply with these rules may result in sanctions by the Socotra Island Authorities.

  1. Keeps a distance of 2 meters from wildlife including your cameras.
  2. Do not touch or feed the fauna.
  3. Do not remove elements from the ecosystem.
  4. Walk on marked trails only.
  5. Take pictures without flash. Professional shootings and drones need authorization.
  6. Camping is only allowed in authorized areas.
  7. Use authorized sport fishing boats.
  8. Do not introduce external elements to the ecosystem.
  9. visit protected areas with a specialized guide only.
  10. Do not vandalize the National Park
  11. Use authorized tourism services only.
  12. Classify your trash.

Please remember:

  • Heed the advice of your guide at all times
  • Don’t import or export any biological material or alien species from or to the Island.
  • Do not leave or throw any litter.
  • Don’t drop your cigarette puts anywhere – dispose them off properly.
  • Don’t swim in the sea or rivers unless your guide recommends it.
  • Don’t make erratic movements, as this frightens or aggravates the wildlife.
  • Don’t drive off the roads in game reserves and national parks.
  • Don’t raise your voice or speak loudly inside the cave. Whisper!
  • Don’t feed fishes (this creates dependency)
  • Don’t touch or damage corals.
  • Use only dead wood to set up a fire.
  • Ask permission before taking photographs of locals, especially women.
  • Wear well-covered dresses while you are in the town, villages, or where local people are surrounding you because this offends the locals.
  • Be aware of the number of plastic bottles you will use on your overland tour if you continually buy bottled water. You must take them back to Hadibo to be sent to the waste dump.
  • Don’t take shells and pieces of corals.
  • In most Socotra villages, children and women sell local products and handy crafts. If you take the time, it can be the best experience with lots of laughter and good humor; however, don’t haggle the sellers down to the last penny/ cent “Riale”. They are only trying to make a living.
  • Children might ask you for money or sweets. Bear in mind that it is not allowed to hand cash over to children (by handing cash to children, you encourage begging) and dental treatment is not readily available on the Island. We recommend handing out pens, pieces of paper and clothes.
  • Socoraies are generally friendly and curious to see the tourists and big groups of vehicles. Sometimes they come around the campfire at night and see what is happing. It could be a great way to interact with the locals. Though treat all the locals and their homes with respect, after all! You are travelling on and through their territory.
  • As long as Socotra is a Muslim country, gay and lesbians are not allowed. Casual sex with locals is taboo too.
  • Support local businesses and community initiatives by buying local items rather than imported goods.
  • Do not hesitate to show your conservationist attitude.

Read up (history and essential info) about Socotra and people and culture – familiarize yourself with the local climate, check list and Frequently Asked Questions. The latter will teach you respect and diminish the chances of inadvertently offending the locals.

If you keep these travel tips in mind, you will enjoy your visit to the Socotra island.

Last but not the least

“Leave Socotra better than you find it”