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Getting to Socotra Island

There are no direct international flights to reach on Socotra Island. To reach Socotra island you need to reach the mainland of Yemen and take Yemenia flight from Aden or Mukalla to reach Socotra. A new charter flight has launched from Abu Dhabi to Socotra following the short-lived route from UAE by Arabian Airways. This charter flight is operated by Khalifa Foundation (Humanitarian charter) and connects Abu Dhabi and Socotra on Tuesdays.

Knowing that as of now, none of these flights are available for purchase online. They can only be purchased in person with the evidence that you have a visa to Socotra. Be aware that you must book these flights at least three weeks in advance to get a seat. Learn more about flights to Socotra.

When to Travel to Socotra?

Climate is an important consideration. And this depends on your interest. Nature enthusiasts should go from early October to late April. The monsoon occurs from July till mid-August (during July in the southeast and southwest of the Island, windsurfing activity can be arranged). Generally, wildlife and natural viewing are most rewarding from the end of January through May. learn more about when to go to Socotra by clicking here!

What to pack to Socotra?

  • Comfortable, light, casual clothing.
  • Sleeping bagged.
  • Something warm to wear at night in winter and the high altitudes.
  • Comfortable well walking shoes with good grip or sneakers.
  • Protective clothing and sun lotion for the tropical sun.
  • Rain wears the clothing.
  • Personal toiletries and any personal medication such as some headache tablets, some things for digestive upsets, disinfectants, etc.
  • Antiseptic wipes.
  • Films and spare camera batteries.
  • Torch/ flashlight with spare batteries.
  • Strap-on water – bottle for a day hike.
  • Money belt for valuables (you don’t have to take expensive or expensive-looking jewelry to Socotra)
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Essential Information

Visa Requirements:

 Yemen welcomes tourists and travelers from every country. Citizens of the United States, Canada and most European countries traveling to Yemen for tourism, business or to study do require a visa, except for Israels or who has indication in the passport have visited Israel will be rejected. Read more on Socotra travel checklist.

You can obtain a visa two months prior arrival at Socotra or mainland of Yemen. A valid passport (At least six months valid) must be submitted in order to apply and comply with the travel regulations apply for the visa and confirm that the purchased tour belongs to the client.

Money Matters

When on Socotra at any money exchange (recommended), or you can exchange money at the national bank on Socotra. There are about 1250 Riyals to the USD .Take cash and hard currency with you. USD is acceptable widely on the Island. Euro is not popular on the island. MasterCard, Visa Card are not acceptable.

Socotra Time Zone:

GMT + 3 hours

Socotra Power supply:

220v AC – plugs are generally two-pin and multiple plugs.

Socotra Languages:

Socotri is the local language, Arabic is the official and formal language, and English is spoken by the people working in the tourism industry.

Socotra Religion:

The local population of Socotra is predominantly Muslim, during the holy month of Ramadan it is advisable for tourists to dress modestly and be respectful of fasting. While restaurants will be open, we recommend only eating inside the restaurant and not on the street.

Socotra Telephone:

Telephone lines are available to the major town of Hadibo, country code: (+967), followed by a one-digit number for an access provider (5). After the international and access codes, the number should be six, including three initial digits for the geographical area (660).

The cheapest way to make international phone calls is to use a telephone card and call from a booth telephone line or mobile telephone. Telephone cards can be purchased at most shops in the main market. The GSM system working for UAE and KSA sim-cards on the Island. Hitherto, only CDMA (Yemen Mobile) is the only local network covers the north and west of the Island and remains in Hadibo, Dicksam plateau, and Qalansiya.

Socotra Internet:

Internet access is slow and expensive (About $5 per hour.). There are no internet cafés on the Island, but public internet access exists in the large town of Hadibo.

Socotra Post office:

The post office is located in the center of the town Hadibo, in the Socotra Telephone Central building.

Some things to keep in mind when considering visiting Socotra:

✖ Socotra popular and may be crowded around New Year’s. While most hotel may offer privacy, if you wander around the streets of Hadibo, you may feel crowded.

There are “beach boys” who like to comb the beaches offering friendship or trying to sell things. They may be annoying, but should leave you alone if you are firm and direct.