Amidst the gentle embrace of the Indian Ocean, where the Earth’s imagination takes flight and the surreal becomes reality, you’ll...
In a remote corner of the world, where the Indian Ocean whispers ancient tales, lies Socotra, an alien-looking place on...
In the heart of the Indian Ocean, where time takes on a different rhythm and nature wear its most surreal...
We offer early bird discount, group discount, off season discount, and child discount 5% each booking
This tour is a great way to experience the natural beauty and cultural diversity of South Yemen. This tour is...
This tour package is designed to give you a comprehensive overview of the best South Yemen offers, from the unique...
In the cradle of the Indian Ocean, where dreams meet reality, lies Socotra, an alien-looking place on Earth, a land...
Nestled in the heart of the Indian Ocean, like a forgotten treasure on the Earth’s mantle, lies Socotra, an alien-looking...
In the heart of the enchanting Indian Ocean, where myths intertwine with reality, awaits Socotra, a realm unlike any other...
In the heart of the Indian Ocean, where time dances to a different rhythm and nature dons its most surreal...
See testimonials and what our clients say about our services
Hi, I’m back in Rome, and off on the birding trip tomorrow. I want to thank you personally for all the organisation and support for the amazing trip on Socotra.
Thank you in for your cooperation for second time. The travel to Socotra Island was very very very good/fantastic. The customers were very happy about the excellent services (hotel, camping, food, and guide) that you have reserved. I thank you especially for your attention to our group and for the wonderful gift you sent me. I’m sorry that my English is bad and therefore I can’t thank you as I would if I could write in Italian.
“We had a great camping-based visit to the Socotra organised through I asked them to tailor pretty much everything which they did and stitched everything together seamlessly.”
“My friend and I booked a 8 day tour to the Socotra Islands through They were absolutely wonderful to work with. Great service. after comparing several tour companies, I decided to go with Socotra Travel Center”
Thank you so much for all the planning you did for us to make this an unforgettable vacation. We will definitely recommend to friends and family should they ever wish to visit Socotra or Yemen, to contact you (Socotra Travel Center).
We also hope to return sometime in the future.
Thank you, thank you, thank you so much. We had an amazing trip in Socotra. You could not have planned this any better nor had the staff more attentive, guides were friendly and very knowledgeable and the hotels were very nice. The luxurious Summerland Hotel is probably the best 4-star hotel in Hadibo. Camping in tent with fabulous food and a huge outdoor activities trekking among the forest of Dragon’s Blood Tree in Firmhin is unforgettable experience.
We will difinately recommand your tour company for friends and other families!
I will highly recommended your company and especially your guide and driver to all the people who ask about our trip to Socotra Islands. I can’t say enough about how helpful you were…
Hi, I’m back in Rome, and off on the birding trip tomorrow. I want to thank you personally for all the organisation and support for the amazing trip on Socotra.
Thank you in for your cooperation for second time. The travel to Socotra Island was very very very good/fantastic. The customers were very happy about the excellent services (hotel, camping, food, and guide) that you have reserved. I thank you especially for your attention to our group and for the wonderful gift you sent me. I’m sorry that my English is bad and therefore I can’t thank you as I would if I could write in Italian.
“We had a great camping-based visit to the Socotra organised through I asked them to tailor pretty much everything which they did and stitched everything together seamlessly.”
“My friend and I booked a 8 day tour to the Socotra Islands through They were absolutely wonderful to work with. Great service. after comparing several tour companies, I decided to go with Socotra Travel Center”
Thank you so much for all the planning you did for us to make this an unforgettable vacation. We will definitely recommend to friends and family should they ever wish to visit Socotra or Yemen, to contact you (Socotra Travel Center).
We also hope to return sometime in the future.
Thank you, thank you, thank you so much. We had an amazing trip in Socotra. You could not have planned this any better nor had the staff more attentive, guides were friendly and very knowledgeable and the hotels were very nice. The luxurious Summerland Hotel is probably the best 4-star hotel in Hadibo. Camping in tent with fabulous food and a huge outdoor activities trekking among the forest of Dragon’s Blood Tree in Firmhin is unforgettable experience.
We will difinately recommand your tour company for friends and other families!
I will highly recommended your company and especially your guide and driver to all the people who ask about our trip to Socotra Islands. I can’t say enough about how helpful you were…
Hi, I’m back in Rome, and off on the birding trip tomorrow. I want to thank you personally for all the organisation and support for the amazing trip on Socotra.