SOCOTRA VIP: Hotel-Based Tour

8 Days

In the heart of the Indian Ocean, where time dances to a different rhythm and nature dons its most surreal garb, lies Socotra, an alien-looking place on Earth. This is the Socotra Archipelago of Yemen, and it beckons you to explore its enigmatic landscapes during the “SOCOTRA VIP: Hotel-Based Tour.” With eight days and seven nights at your disposal, this is your invitation to uncover the outstanding universal beauty of Socotra, often hailed as the “Pearl of the Indian.”

A World Beyond Imagination

Socotra is more than just a destination; it’s a realm where reality blurs with the fantastical. From the moment you arrive on this remote island, you’ll know you’ve stepped into a world like no other. The landscapes are an ode to the bizarre, where rocks twist and contort, and alien-looking flora and fauna seem to defy earthly logic.

The Alien Landscape

As you embark on your eight-day voyage to Socotra, you’ll quickly realize that this is indeed the most alien-looking place on Earth. It’s a place where the natural world has let its imagination run wild. Iconic among its features are the Dragon Blood Trees, their otherworldly umbrella-like canopies casting a shade of mystery over the land. These ancient trees, found only on Socotra, seem like sentinels from another dimension.

Socotra: The Most Alien

Indeed, Socotra holds the title of the most alien place on our planet. Here, nature has carved out a laboratory of evolution where species have evolved in splendid isolation. You’ll have the privilege of encountering flora and fauna that exist nowhere else on Earth, such as the Socotra Desert Rose, a botanical masterpiece with a bottle-shaped trunk that seems plucked from a dreamscape.

Days in Socotra: A Timeless Journey

Over the course of eight days and seven nights, you’ll have the rare opportunity to delve deep into Socotra’s unique wonders. Each day promises new discoveries, fresh vistas, and moments that defy the ordinary. Time on this island seems to slow, allowing you to savor the magic of Socotra, one moment at a time.

Dragon Blood Trees: Guardians of Time

The Dragon Blood Trees, mystical and ancient, will become your companions on this journey. You’ll wander through groves of these enigmatic beings, their twisted forms casting eerie but enchanting shadows. As you stand beneath their shade, you’ll feel connected to a timeless world, where the stories of ages past linger in the whispers of their leaves.

Tourism in Socotra: A Balancing Act

The allure of Socotra has not gone unnoticed by the world, and tourism in Socotra is steadily growing. Yet, with its fragile ecosystem, striking a balance is crucial. Responsible tourism is the key, to ensuring that the wonders of this natural paradise are preserved for generations to come.

SOCOTRA VIP: Hotel-Based Tour

In summary, the SOCOTRA VIP: Hotel-Based Tour is your gateway to the outstanding universal beauty of Socotra. With eight days and seven nights at your disposal, you’ll have the privilege of immersing yourself in the enchantment of this remote paradise.

As you traverse Socotra, remember that you are a guest in a place where nature’s artistry knows no bounds. You’ll walk among the Dragon Blood Trees, gaze upon landscapes that challenge your understanding of Earth’s diversity, and bear witness to the wonders of this most alien-looking place on Earth.

Socotra is not just a destination; it’s an odyssey, an exploration of the extraordinary, and an encounter with the awe-inspiring forces of our natural world. The SOCOTRA VIP: Hotel-Based Tour invites you to become a part of this narrative, to add your own verses to the poetry of Socotra, and to leave with a piece of this alien paradise forever etched in your heart.

In Socotra, each sunrise paints a new masterpiece, each sunset hums a lullaby of tranquility, and each moment whispers secrets only the island knows. As you journey through this ethereal realm, remember that you’re not just visiting Socotra; you’re embarking on an intimate dance with its timeless soul, becoming a part of its tapestry of wonder and leaving a trace of your essence amid its enigmatic beauty.

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Trip Facts


Upon your arrival at Socotra airport, you will meet our naturalist leader who will assist with the transfer to the hotel in Hadibo to acclimatize and have lunch. The afternoon activity is a visit to Ayhaft canyon collection of unique flora and, to observe a large amount of animal and plant species fauna .We will then navigate to Deleisha coast which consists of pristine white sand, relaxing and swimming both in the sea and also in a freshwater lagoon, all with a beautiful mountainous background. There is also the possibility of witnessing a fabulous sunset from Deleisha. In the evening, return to Hadibo for a fresh seafood supper or to explore what the town has to offer. Overnight and dinner will be at the hotel in Hadibo.

Lunch, Dinner
Overnight in Hotel

After breakfast we will make our way by 4×4 vehicles to Dicksam plateau and Shebahon viewpoint. This area is renowned for the native Dragon Blood trees, the resin of which is collected, used, and traded by the people of Socotra. The area is also home to the endemic and rare Socotra bunting (estimated at 1,000 pairs). The Shebahon viewpoint gives a fabulous vista overlooking Daerhu canyon where we will see unusual yet beautiful rock formations. We will then make our way down to the Wadi in the canyon for lunch and an easy-going walk and maybe also to swim in the freshwater pools in the Wadi.  Then return back to Hadibo for dinner and overnight in the Hotel.

Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
Overnight in Hotel

Today the cars will take us to After that we will drive to the north east of the island to Homhil where we can see traditional villages and natural water pools at the bottom of the canyon. The unusual Desert Rose tree clings the canyon walls. The vegetation here is lush green and there are many birds. Then we will walk along a selection of trails, on one of which takes us to a viewpoint where there is a natural pool and a view of villages below on the plain and of the sea. Homhil is home to many Dragons Blood trees, the resin of which is collected, used and traded by the people of Socotra. Frankincense trees are also prevalent here and deserve a close look. We hike down to the northeast coast of the island to Wadi Shifa (medium –two hours walking) where the cars can meet us, then after a quick lunch we will drive to Arher area, which is a meeting point of fresh water from the mountain and salt water from the ocean. Arher is also home to another magnificent sand dune. The remainder of the day is for swimming and exploration of this location. Dinner and overnight in Hadibo Hotel.

Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
Overnight in Hotel

Today we headed to the marine protected area of Dihamri. for those who desires to make an adventure to see Hoq cave the biggest cave on the island , (optional) after spending about 6 hours enjoying the its spectacular stalactites and stalagmites and unique ancient history, we will then carry on our way to Dihamri which is home to one of the richest coral reefs and uniquely protected coral reef in the archipelago. The many marine creatures to be seen whilst swimming /snorkeling include; parrotfish, Moray eel, Rays, Sea urchins, etc. Dihamri is blessed with more than 200 fish species and 4 of the 5 coral species that inhabit to the island. This shallow reef will let even the inexperienced snorkeler enjoy its beauty. We would like to remind people not to touch the corals in the marine protected area as this would cause irreversible damage. Dinner and overnight will be served at Dihamri marine protected area campsite.

Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
Overnight in Hotel

Today we drive and make our way south though Difarhu canyon where we can see traditional villages and natural water pools at the bottom of the canyon. After lunch, we will prepare our way where we witness the colossal sand dunes of Hayf  and  Zahek villages which have been pushed up against the mountainside by the seasonal winds of Socotra. If you are feeling especially fit, you can climb the dunes for a view that is truly worth the effort. Then we pay a visit to Dogub cave, which overlooks a scattering of traditional villages below. The cave itself is of interest as there are many stalactites, stalagmites and pools of water that have seeped through the rock over time. Our journey lead us to a very expensive beach of Aomak in the Indian Ocean. Back to Hadibo for dinner and overnight.

Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Today we will drive to Dihoof at Momi area. This very big area is renowned of its breath taking lush green landscape and picturesque sceneries. After enjoying the virgin countryside and staying with the nomads and the ancient people of Socotra where you can expect the warmest of welcomes as they share their traditional lifestyle, we will visit the Qalishen valley where nature swimming polls. Then we will drive back to Hadibo. Dinner and overnight are again at Hadibo Hotel.

Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

After early breakfast,  from Hadibo we drive west to Qalansiya to look around this charming and picturesque fishing town with its traditional houses and narrow alleyways. A boat excursion awaits us, will incorporate witnessing many dolphins leaping around the boat and squadrons of Socotra Cormenons, sea Gulls, and Grey Herons birds will be seen flying or resting on the precipices. We’ll carryon all the way through a magnificent rock faces and clear sea until we arrive to Shuab beach. After we enjoy swimming in the clear sea we drive the boat back to Qalansyia. We then go to the protected area in Detwah lagoon, which is renowned for its spectacular landscape. Sting rays can be seen in the lagoon, so take care when you are swimming. There is also a large array of sea birds to inspect at this location. Finally, we will begin our return journey to Hadibo Hotel observing the last sunset on the island. You can buy souvenirs, T-shirts or books you visit to Socotra Women Association where. Dinner and overnight are at Hadibo hotel.

Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

After an early breakfast, we will transfer to Socotra airport to visit the visitor information centre before the short flight to back to the mainland.



This tour cost includes:

  • Entry visa
  • 4WD cars (one car fit for 3 persons)
  • Local guide (English speaking)
  • 7 nights' accommodation in Socotra Hotel (Basic)
  • Entry fees in three protected areas (Dihamri, Homhil, and Detwah lagoon)
  • Full board meal (include restaurants and campsite's water etc…)
  • AirportTSF (form and to the airport).

This tour excludes:

  • Flights Tickets
  • Drinks/Beverages with meals
  • Tips/Gratuities to Drivers & Guides
  • All Other Items Not Mentioned

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SOCOTRA VIP: Hotel-Based Tour
Group Discount Available
From $3,500
/ Adult
From $1,750
/ Child

Additional Flight Schedule for March and April 2023

Trip weather forecast